Allan, Mabel Esther
Entry updated 22 January 2024. Tagged: Author.
(1915-1998) UK author, mostly of tales for children and romances, active from the early 1930s, who also wrote as by Jean Estorel, Priscilla Hagen, Kathleen M Pearcey and Anne Pilgrim; her work for children shows the influence of the author and educational philosopher A S Neill. She is of sf interest for Time to Go Back (1972), whose protagonist uses a form of Time Travel to experience her family's ordeal in World War Two. [JC]
Mabel Esther Allan
born Wallasey, Cheshire: 11 February 1915
died Cheshire: 14 May 1998
works (highly selected)
- Time to Go Back (London: Abelard-Schuman, 1972) [hb/]
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