Ascher, Maurice
Entry updated 28 November 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1873-1965) German author, much of his nonfiction being studies in Judaism and Jewish issues. He is of sf interest for Gulliver's Neue Reise ["Gulliver's New Journey"] (1915), a Fantastic Voyage tale based on Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726; rev 1735), Gulliver in this case being an aviator who makes a crash-landing on an unknown Island. Here he finds two separate Utopias, Risolia and Pleuresia, whose solutions to human life are subjected to some Satire. [JC]
Maurice Halevi Ascher
born 24 June 1873
died 28 April 1965
works (highly selected)
- Gulliver's Neue Reise ["Gulliver's New Journey"] (Berlin: Concordia Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1915) [pb/nonpictorial]
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