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Barbusse, Henri

Entry updated 25 November 2024. Tagged: Author.

(1873-1935) French author, best known for his strongly realistic fiction, especially that concerning World War One. Les enchaînements (1925 2vols; trans Stephen Haden Guest as Chains 1925 2vols) attempts – like many novels from the first third of the century – to present a panoramic vision of mankind's prehistory and history, in this case through the transcendental experiences of a single protagonist who is struck by his significant visions while in the middle of a staircase. [JC]

see also: Origin of Man.

Henri Barbusse

born Asnières, France: 17 May 1873

died Moscow: 30 August 1935


  • Les enchaînements (Paris: Flammarion, 1925) [published in two volumes: hb/]
    • Chains (London: Jonathan Cape, 1925) [published in two volumes: trans by Stephen Haden Guest of the above: hb/]


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