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Barceló, Miquel

Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author, Critic, Editor, Fan.

(1948-2021) Spanish computer-systems and aeronautical engineering professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, translator, editor and author; he also directed the polytechnic's PhD program on Sustainability, Technology and Humanism. He founded and edited the Fanzine Kandama from 1980 until its discontinuation in 1984, publishing both translations of noteworthy English-language authors and Spanish-language authors who would later become important figures themselves, including Domingo Santos, Rafael Marín Trechera, and Elia Barceló. He was most well-known in his role as a professional editor of sf and fantasy books from 1986, in which year the publisher Ediciones B launched its Nova genre imprint with Barceló at the helm. As an sf scholar, he is best known as the author of Ciencia ficción: Guía de lectura ["Science Fiction Reader's Guide"] (1990), followed twenty-five years later by Ciencia ficción: Nueva Guía de lectura ["Science Fiction: A New Reader's Guide"] (2015). He co-authored the sf novel El otoño de las estrellas ["The Autumn of the Stars"] (2001) with Pedro Jorge Romero. He revised the entry for Spain in the second edition of this encyclopedia. He was also a columnist for the computer magazine Byte. He should not be confused with the painter Miquel Barceló (1957-    ). [PN/DKn]

see also: Spain.

Miquel Barceló Garcia

born Mataró, Catalonia, Spain: 1948

died Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain: 22 November 2021

works (selected)

  • El otoño de las estrellas ["The Autumn of the Stars"] (Barcelona, Spain: Ediciones B, 2001) with Pedro Jorge Romero [pb/Gemma Pellicer and Raúl García]

nonfiction (selected)


previous versions of this entry

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