Bégouën, Max
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1893-1961) French prehistorian and author of three Prehistoric SF tales, of which only Les bisons d'argile (1925; trans Robert Luther Duffus as Bison of Clay 1926) has appeared in English; it speculatively depicts the life of prehistoric totem-worshipping humans in the foothills of the Pyrenees (see Origin of Man). Bégouën's entry for the Prix Jules Verne (see Awards), "Quand le mammouth ressuscita" ["When the Mammoth Revived"] (April-May 1928 Lectures Pour Tous) placed second, and received only magazine publication. He was a close personal and intellectual friend of Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) (see Omega Point). [JE/JC]
Vicomte Max Henri Bégouën
born 1893
died 1961
- Les bisons d'argile (Paris: Fayard, 1925) [hb/]
- Bison of Clay (New York: Longmans, Green, 1926) [trans by Robert Luther Duffus of the above: hb/Alexander Calder]
- Tisik et Katé, aventures de deux enfants a l'époque du renne ["Tisik and Katé: The Adventures of Two Children in the Time of the Reindeer"] (Paris: Diderot, 1946) [pb/]
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