Benn, Mitch
Entry updated 29 April 2024. Tagged: Author, Music.

(1970- ) UK singer-songwriter, comedian and author, active in both Radio and Television, increasingly well known since 1999 or so for his Satire, which is normally not bad-tempered. He has released his own music on several albums, beginning with The Unnecessary Mitch Benn (1998). Of sf interest is the Terra sequence, beginning with Terra (2013), a spoofish Space Opera conspicuously (and openly) influenced by the UK tradition of spoofery initiated by Douglas Adams. The eponymous protagonist, a girl in the first volume, explodes into her teens in Terra's World (2014), a progress which reflects an older tradition: the Bildungsroman, spiced with threats of apocalypse. [JC]
Mitchell John Benn
born Liverpool, England: 20 January 1970
- Terra (London: Gollancz, 2013) [Terra: hb/Getty Images]
- Terra's World (London: Gollancz, 2014) [Terra: hb/Getty Images]
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