Benni, Stefano
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1947- ) Italian journalist and author who published several nonfiction books before releasing his first novel, Terra! (1983; trans Annapaoloa Cancogni 1985), set in a Post-Holocaust world racked by Nuclear Winter; the action moves from the Underground city of Paris to a race through space to occupy a new and Edenic planet. Governing the farcical tone is a genuinely Satirical assault on human mores. Benni has been likened to Robert Sheckley. [JC]
Stefano Benni
born Bologna, Italy: 12 August 1947
- Terra! (Rome, Italy: Feltrinella, 1983) [binding unknown/]
- Terra! (New York: Pantheon Books, 1985) [trans by Annapaoloa Cancogni of the above: pb/Seth Jaben]
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