Blankenship, William D
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1934- ) US author whose books often interweave Technothriller and horror modes (see Horror in SF); they include The Helix File (1972), a technothriller with an Arctic setting; The Programmed Man (1973), involving nearly near-future Computers and a purloined Invention; Brotherly Love (1981), a horror novel with a bad twin who chases a good twin into perdition; and Blood Stripe (1987), a technothriller with hints of the occult. [JC]
William Douglas Blankenship
born San Jose, California: 25 June 1934
- The Helix File (New York: Walker Books, 1972) [hb/]
- The Programmed Man (New York: Walker Books, 1973) [hb/]
- Brotherly Love (New York: Arbor House, 1981) [hb/]
- Blood Stripe (New York: Avon Books, 1987) [pb/]
- The Ghost of Silicon Valley (New York: Writer's Showcase Press, 2000) [pb/]
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