Blum, Yoav
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1978- ) Israeli software developer and author whose first translated novel, Metsarfe ha-miòkrim (2011; trans Ira Moskowitz as The Coincidence Makers 2018), in which (in a traditional sf sense) a group of young men and women exercise their professional skill, which resembles Psi Powers: the ability to create coincidences and events binding on the future, under the control of a Secret Master cabal. But the tale is in fact a Fabulation, exuberantly echoing various authors from Italo Calvino to Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. The end effect is of a gonzo meditativeness. [JC]
Yoav Blum
born Israel: 1 September 1978
works (selected)
- Metsarfe ha-miòkrim (Jerusalem, Israel: Keter Publishing House, 2011) [binding unknown/]
- The Coincidence Makers (New York: St Martin's Press, 2018) [trans Ira Moskowitz of the above: hb/Ervin Serrano and Michael Storrings]
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