Bowman, David
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1957-2012) US author whose first novel, Let the Dog Drive (1992), features gonzo Equipoisal riffs on modern American life, with elements of fantasy, Satire and Californian Magic Realism. While evoking some of the same mix of elements, his second novel, Bunny Modern (1998), is a genuine sf Satire set in New York, in a comically conceived Near Future suddenly hassled by a lack of electricity, and the threatened sterility of the human race; but a super-competent nanny fights back.
This author should not be confused with the UK David Bowman (1956- ), author of two historical fiction series opening with Seven Sisters (2009), set in a version of the ninth-century Roman empire, and Carthaginian Empire, Volume One (2010). [JC/DRL]
David Anthony Bowman
born Racine, Wisconsin: 8 December 1957
died New York: 27 February 2012
- Let the Dog Drive (New York: New York University Press, 1992) [hb/]
- Bunny Modern (Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown, 1998) [hb/Stuart Patterson]
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