Cannon, Peter
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author, Critic, Editor.

(1951- ) US author, critic, and book reviews editor of Publishers Weekly, chiefly known for his work on H P Lovecraft and his circle; he wrote his undergraduate thesis on Lovecraft at Stanford and his MA thesis, "Lovecraft's New England", at Brown University (1974). He began publishing work of genre interest with "You Have Been in Providence, I Perceive" (March 1978 Nyctalops) and "H.P. Lovecraft in Hawthornian Perspective" in H.P. Lovecraft: Four Decades of Criticism (anth 1980) edited by S T Joshi.
Pulptime [for subtitle see Checklist below] (1984 chap) as P H Cannon is an affectionate pastiche, an unwritten chapter from the life of Lovecraft during his dismal years in New York City, bringing Sherlock Holmes to Brooklyn and suggesting the origins of "The Horror at Red Hook" (January 1927 Weird Tales). Cannon's short monograph H P Lovecraft (1989) is full of insight and notable for providing a sober view of the author before his apotheosis into the American canon. Scream for Jeeves: A Parody (coll 1994) stirs P G Wodehouse's immortal Jeeves and Wooster into the Cthulhu Mythos cocktail and, as is the case with all good Parodies, offers a few unexpected critical insights. In The Lovecraft Chronicles (2004), narrated in three linked fictional memoirs, the sage of Providence is taken in hand by a feisty teenager, gets published by Knopf and Gollancz, fights in the Spanish Civil War, and lives until 1960. Cannon remains active in New York Lovecraftian circles such as the New Kalem Club. [HW]
Peter Hughes Cannon
born Palo Alto, California: 19 October 1951
- Pulptime: Being a Singular Adventure of Sherlock Holmes, H.P. Lovecraft, and the Kalem Club, As if Narrated by Frank Belknap Long, Jr (Buffalo, New York: W Paul Ganley, 1984) as P H Cannon [novella: chap: with afterword by Robert Bloch: hb/Fabian]
- The Sky Garden (Richmond, Virginia: Dementia Press, 1989) [story: chap: pb/]
- Scream for Jeeves: A Parody (New York: Wodecraft Press, 1994) as P H Cannon [coll: chap: hb/Jason Eckhardt]
- The Lovecraft Papers (New York: Doubleday/Science Fiction Book Club, 1996) [omni of the above two: hb/Jason Eckhardt]
- The Thing in the Bathtub and Other Lovecraftian Tales: The Early Cannon Volume One (West Hills, California: Tsathoggua Press, 1997) [coll: chap: pb/Jason C Eckhardt]
- Tales of Lovecraftian Horror and Humor: The Early Cannon Volume Two (West Hills, California: Tsathoggua Press, 1997) [coll: chap: pb/Jason C Eckhardt]
- Forever Azathoth and Other Horrors (Horam, East Sussex: Tartarus Press, 1999) [coll: introduction by Steven J Mariconda: hb/Jason Eckhardt]
- Forever Azathoth: Parodies and Pastiches (Burton, Michigan: Subterranean Press, 2011) [coll: rev vt of the above: with a new introduction by Cannon: hb/Jason Eckhardt]
- Forever Azathoth: Parodies and Pastiches (New York: Hippocampus Press, 2012) [coll: rev of the above: adds novella "The Madness out of Space": pb/Jason Eckhardt]
- Forever Azathoth: Parodies and Pastiches (Burton, Michigan: Subterranean Press, 2011) [coll: rev vt of the above: with a new introduction by Cannon: hb/Jason Eckhardt]
- Episode of Pulptime & One Other (Buffalo, New York: W Paul Ganley, 2003) as by P H Cannon [coll: chap: hb/Jason Eckhardt]
- The Lovecraft Chronicles (Poplar Bluff, Missouri: Mythos Books, 2004) [pb/Jason Eckhardt]
works as editor
- Lovecraft Remembered (Sauk City, Wisconsin: Arkham House, 1988) [nonfiction: anth: hb/Jason Eckhardt]
- H P Lovecraft. More Annotated H.P. Lovecraft (New York: Dell Books, 1997) [coll: edited with S T Joshi: Annotated Lovecraft: pb/]
- The Chronology Out of Time: Dates in the Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft (West Warwick, Rhode Island: Necronomicon Press, 1986) [nonfiction: chap: pb/Jason Eckhardt]
- H P Lovecraft (Boston: Twayne Publishers/G K Hall, 1989) [hb/photographic]
- "Sunset Terrace Imagery in Lovecraft" and Other Essays (West Warwick, Rhode Island: Necronomicon Press, 1990) [nonfiction: chap: pb/Jason Eckhardt]
- Long Memories: Recollections of Frank Belknap Long (Stockport, near Manchester, England: British Fantasy Society, 1997) [nonfiction: chap: Frank Belknap Long: pb/]
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