Carne-Ross, Joseph
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1846-1911) Scottish physician and author, whose Utopia, Quintura: Its Singular People and Remarkable Customs (1886), applies a Satirical edge clearly influenced by Samuel Butler to his description of an Island governed on classless but Eugenic lines by physicians, who also serve as the culture's police force, applying scientific advances in medicine to predict accurately when and where individuals are about to commit crimes. Though prescience is not mentioned, the story does interestingly prefigure Philip K Dick's story "The Minority Report" (January 1956 Fantastic Universe) and the Steven Spielberg film based on that story, Minority Report (2002). [JC]
Joseph Carne-Ross
born Madeira, Portugal: 1846
died 1911
- Quintura: Its Singular People and Remarkable Customs (London: John and Robert Maxwell, 1886) [hb/]
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