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Cass, De Lysle Ferrée

Entry updated 25 November 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1887-1973) US author who published fairly widely in American Pulp magazines of the early twentieth century, mostly concentrating on fantasy, and beginning with "Oahula the Carnivorous" (March 1913 All-Story). Of sf interest is his authorship of the eighth of the Airship Boys sequence, The Airship Boys in the Great War; Or, the Rescue of Bob Russell (1915) as by H L Sayler, Sayler (who had written the previous seven) having died in 1913 (see Airship Boys; Sequels by Other Hands; Ties). He is of sf interest as well for a Lost Race novel, involving Apes as Human encounters, which lay unpublished in the files of The Thrill Book until after his death, when it was discovered, thought to have been the work of Clark Ashton Smith (despite bearing Cass's name), and published as As It Is Written (written circa 1919; 1982) as by Clark Ashton Smith. Cass was only discovered to be the author after the book's release. [JC]

De Lysle Ferrée Cass

born 1887

died 1973



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