Cassiday, Bruce
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author, Critic.

(1920-2005) US editor and author, who worked as editor with various Pulp-magazine publishers (mainly Popular Publications) and for Argosy from the May 1955 issue for some years. He wrote nonfiction under his own name, and fiction under various pseudonyms and/or House Names, including Carson Bingham, Mary Anne Drew, Robert Faraday, C K Fong, Annie Laurie McMurdie and Con Steffanson. The Faraday pseudonym was used for the Adventures in the Time Machine sequence of Young Adult sf adventures opening with The Anytime Rings (1963) as by Robert Faraday; all three are routine
His remaining four Genre SF novels are Ties: Gorgo (1960) as by Carson Bingham; Flash Gordon 4: The Time Trap of Ming XIII (1974) as by Con Steffanson; Flash Gordon 5: The Witch Queen of Mongo (1974) as by Bingham; and Flash Gordon: The War of the Cybernauts (1975) as by Bingham. The first of these, based on the film Gorgo (1961), is notable for the added Sex scenes, a custom of the publisher Monarch's film adaptations (see Dean Owen). As Mary Anne Drew he published a Gothic novel, The Diabolist (1975), and as C K Fong a kung-fu thriller, The Year of the Cock (1975). Additional titles include Nightmare Hall (1973) as by Annie Laurie McMurdie, and Queen of the Looking Glass (1978) as by Annie Laurie McAllister. Under his own name, he adapted for the US market Dieter Wuckel's Science Fiction: eine illustrierte literaturgeschichte (1986; trans Jenny Vowles as The Illustrated History of Science Fiction 1989). His Modern Mystery, Fantasy, and Science Fiction Writers (anth 1993), a compilation of critical responses to 88 authors, was not very thorough. [PN/JC/DRL]
see also: Flash Gordon.
Bruce Bingham Cassiday
born Los Angeles, California: 25 January 1920
died Stamford, Connecticut: 12 January 2005
works (selected)
Adventures in the Time Machine
- The Anytime Rings (New York: Dell Books, 1963) as by Robert Faraday [Adventures in the Time Machine: pb/]
- Last Days of Atlantis (New York: Dell Books, 1964) as by Robert Faraday [Adventures in the Time Machine: pb/]
- Samax, the Gladiator (New York: Dell Books, 1964) as by Robert Faraday [Adventures in the Time Machine: pb/]
Flash Gordon
- Flash Gordon 4: The Time Trap of Ming XIII (New York: Avon Books, 1973) as by Con Steffanson [tie to Flash Gordon: Flash Gordon: pb/George Wilson]
- Flash Gordon 5: The Witch Queen of Mongo (New York: Avon Books, 1974) as by Carson Bingham [tie to Flash Gordon: Flash Gordon: pb/George Wilson]
- Flash Gordon: The War of the Cybernauts (New York: Avon Books, 1975) as by Carson Bingham [tie to Flash Gordon: Flash Gordon: pb/George Wilson]
Kung Fu
- The Year of the Cock (New York: Manor Books, 1975) as by C K Fong [Kung Fu: pb/]
- The Year of the Ape (New York: Manor Books, 1975) as by C K Fong [Kung Fu: pb/]
The Phantom
Others including The Phantom's creator Lee Falk contributed to this series. The normal cover credit was "Lee Falk's Original Story"; actual authors or their pseudonyms were usually though not always credit on the title page. One book by Falk, The Curse of the Two-Headed Bull (1975) was wrongly credited to Cassiday's pseudonym Carson Bingham.
- The Story of the Phantom: The Assassins (New York: Avon Books, 1975) as by Carson Bingham [tie: #14: The Phantom: pb/George Wilson]
individual titles
- Gorgo (Derby, Connecticut: Monarch Books, 1960) as by Carson Bingham [tie to the film: Gorgo: pb/]
- The Diabolist (New York: Avon Books, 1975) as by Mary Anne Drew [pb/]
- The Illustrated History of Science Fiction (New York: Ungar Publishing Co, 1989) with Dieter Wuckel [nonfiction: adaptation of a German original from 1986: hb/]
- Modern Mystery, Fantasy, and Science Fiction Writers: A Library of Criticism (New York: Continuum, 1993) [nonfiction: anth: hb/]
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