Cockroft, W P
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1909-1992) UK author who began publishing work of genre interest with They Came from Mars (28 April 1934 Scoops as "Cataclysm", anon; circa 1945 chap), which with its sequel, "City of Mars" (16 June 1934 Scoops), depicts an Earth prostrated by a Martian plague, the destruction of London, and the eventual accommodation between the two races. [JC]
see also: Swan Yankee Magazine.
Wilfred Philip Cockroft
born Halifax, Yorkshire: 16 December 1909
died Chatham, Kent: August 1992
- They Came from Mars (London: Gerald G Swan, circa 1945) [story: chap: pb/]
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