Conrad, Earl
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1912-1986) US author, fairly prolific and sometimes controversial. His sf comprises a Near-Future novel, The Premier (1963), in which a Black segregationist creates a separatist Black state in Western America; and a collection of short stories, The Da Vinci Machine: Tales of the Population Explosion (coll of linked stories 1969), set in various futures postulated (and perhaps brought into being) by the eponymous machine. [JC]
Earl Conrad
born Auburn, New York: 17 December 1912
died 1986
- The Premier (Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1963) [hb/]
- The Da Vinci Machine: Tales of the Population Explosion (New York: Fleet Press Corp, 1969) [coll: pb/nonpictorial]
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