Converse, Frank H
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1843-1889) US author for American Boys' Papers whose main work of sf interest Van: or, In Search of an Unknown Race (1 October-31 December 1887 The Golden Argosy; 1891; vt In Search of an Unknown Race 1901), a Lost Race tale featuring an Incan civilization in the Andes. Happy-Go-Lucky Jack (1901) is a lost race tale for children. [JC]
Frank H Converse
born 19 February 1843
died 13 December 1889
- Van: or, In Search of an Unknown Race (New York: United States Book Company, 1891) [first appeared October-31 December 1887 The Golden Argosy: pb/]
- In Search of an Unknown Race (New York: Street and Smith, 1901) [vt of the above: pb/]
- Happy-Go-Lucky Jack (New York: Street and Smith, 1901) [pb/]
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