Entry updated 29 August 2018. Tagged: Fan, Publication.
1. Fanzine. See Fantasy Review.
2. Australian popular science magazine, in the style of Omni, which publishes one, sometimes two sf stories per issue. Founded by Wilson da Silva, who is the editor-in-chief, it is published by Luna Media, Chippendale, New South Wales; the fiction editor was Damien Broderick from the first issue to December 2010/January 2011, and thereafter Cat Sparks until the post of fiction editor was eliminated in a 2016 staff downsizing. Cosmos was published monthly from July 2005 to December/January 2005 and thereafter bimonthly. When it shifted to bimonthly, a few extra stories were included online. The fiction was only a small part of the magazine, initially only 2000 words, but it meant, under Broderick's seasoned eye, that the stories were controlled and effective. Although the emphasis was on scientific potential, they did not lose the human edge, notably in Joe Haldeman's Christmas story, millennia in the future when Christianity and Islam have merged, "Angel of Light" (December 2005/January 2006) and Mary Robinette Kowal's powerful "For Solo Cello, op. 12" (February/March 2007), where a wife has to make a choice between her unborn child and her husband's career.
Although Australian-based, it has published fiction by non-Australian writers, including Gregory Benford, Pamela Sargent and Charles Stross, most appearing in the first two years, and it has subsequently settled down to running stories chiefly by new writers. Both "Delivery" (June/July 2008) by Trent Jamieson and "Defence of the Realm" (February/March 2009) by Greg Mellor, were nominated for the Aurora Award. Karl Bunker's "Under the Shouting Sky" (August/September 2009), about a life-and-death situation on Saturn's moon Enceladus (see Outer Planets), won the Heinlein Society's Robert A Heinlein Centennial Short Story Contest. The reprint anthology You're Not Alone: Thirty Science Fiction Stories from Cosmos Magazine (anth 2015) was edited by Damien Broderick. [MA]
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