Couzens, Gary
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author, Editor.
(1964- ) UK author whose first published story was "Drowning" in The Ebb Tide and Other Stories from Cornwall (anth 1991), edited by John T Wilson. He began publishing work of genre interest with the film review column "Sprockets" (1991-1993 Exuberance) and then the genre tale "Second Contact" for The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in March 1994. Further stories and nonfiction pieces have appeared in Black Static, Interzone, The Third Alternative and other SF Magazines and Anthologies. A good selection of his fiction, much of it edgily Equipoisal with a bent to the supernatural, was assembled in Second Contact and Other Stories (coll 2003); a further collection is Out Stack and Other Places (coll: 2015). Couzens has also edited a number of anthologies [see Checklist below]. [JC/DRL]
Gary John Couzens
born Wokingham, Berkshire: 4 October 1964
- Second Contact and Other Stories (Norwich, Norfolk: Elastic Press, 2003) [coll: pb/photographic]
- Out Stack and Other Places (Aldershot, Hampshire: Midnight Street Press, 2015) [coll: pb/Trevor Denyer]
works as editor
- Gravity's Angels: An Anthology (Aldershot, Hampshire: The T-Party, 1998) with Trevor Denyer, Sarah Ellender, Trevor Mendham and Martin Owton [anth: pb/Carole Tyrrell]
- Links: A Fifty-Year Anthology (Aldershot, Hampshire: FFDWC Books, 2000) [anth: pb/]
- Deep Ten: A Tenth-Anniversary Anthology for the T-Party Writers' Group (Aldershot, Hampshire: T-Party Books, 2004) with Sara-Jayne Townsend [anth: pb/Hilary Wade]
- Extended Play: The Elastic Book of Music (Norwich, Norfolk: Elastic Press, 2006) [anth: pb/Dean Harkness]
- Mind Seed: A Science Fiction Anthology (London: T Party Publications, 2014) with David Gullen [anth: pb/Ian Stead]
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