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Cox, Erle

Entry updated 29 April 2023. Tagged: Author.

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(1873-1950) Australian author and journalist who began to publish fiction as early as 1908, though he was better known as a reviewer and columnist for The Argus and the Australasian 1918-1946, shifting to The Age from 1946. His best-known sf novel is Out of the Silence; a Romance (19 April-25 October 1919 The Argus; 1925; rev 1932; further rev, cut 1947), about the attempt by the female representative of an otherwise extinct super-race – discovered deep Underground in Suspended Animation within a giant silver sphere in the outback – to rule first Australia and then the world. Cox's treatment of her Eugenic schemes to improve the human stock exhibit some racist overtones. Fools' Harvest (5-?18 November 1938 [14 parts] The Argus; 1939), a Future War tale, warned against a Japanese Invasion of Australia in Yellow Peril terms. The Missing Angel (1947) is a fantasy about foxing the Devil. [JC]

Erle Harold Cox

born Melbourne, Victoria: 15 August 1873

died Melbourne, Victoria: 20 November 1950


  • Out of the Silence: A Romance (Melbourne, Victoria: Edward A Vidler, 1925) [first appeared 19 April-25 October 1919 The Argus: hb/]
    • Out of the Silence (New York: Rae D Henkle, 1928) [cut vt of the above: hb/]
    • Out of the Silence (Melbourne, Victoria: Robertson and Mullens, 1928) [vt of the above: hb/]
      • Out of the Silence (Melbourne, Victoria: Robertson and Mullens, 1947) [cut version of the above plus new prologue: hb/]
    • Out of the Silence (Appleton, Wisconsin: Capricorn Publishing, 2006) [1919 magazine version plus 1947 prologue: pb/Antonina Guetov]
  • Fools' Harvest (Melbourne, Victoria: Robertson and Mullens, 1939) [first version appeared 5-?18 November 1938 The Argus: pb/]
  • The Missing Angel (Melbourne, Victoria: Robertson and Mullens, 1947) [hb/]


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