Craig, Alexander
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(? -? ) Author of the Lost Race novel Ionia: Land of Wise Men and Fair Women (1898). Ionia is a singularly self-satisfied Greek civilization hidden in the Himalayas, boasting advanced aircraft, prohibition, mandatory Eugenics (sterilizations are frequent) and communism (and no Jews: as they were quarrelsome, they have all been exterminated). Craig is not to be confused with Alexander George Craig (1897-? ), author of The Voice of Merlin (1946) as Alec Craig, a book-length poem on Arthurian themes. [JC]
Alexander Craig
- Ionia: Land of Wise Men and Fair Women (Chicago, Illinois: E A Weeks Co, 1898) [hb/J C Leyendecker]
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