Crawford, Alexander
Entry updated 15 April 2024. Tagged: Author.
Pseudonym of UK author Alexander Lindsay (1869-1915), older brother of David Lindsay, of whose six novel-length tales (only four of which reached book form) at least two are of sf interest. His first, Kapak (1911), is a Lost Race tale in which the eponymous king of the now-hidden Incans comes to contemporary England as part of his scheme to re-establish the Empire of his predecessors; battles involving a giant airplane climax the story. His second novel, Monsieur Carnifax (1912), is set in a Graustarkian Ruritania (see George Barr McCutcheon). A late story, "The Experiment" (December 1913 Short Stories), generates a Scientific Romance air through its depiction of the inducement – through injection in infancy – of high Intelligence in a Dog; sentience tortures the Uplifted animal, which eventually kills the scientist responsible. [JC]
Alexander Lindsay
born London: 24 July 1869
died London: 4 September 1915
- Kapak (Edinburgh, Scotland: William Blackwood and Sons, 1911) [hb/]
- Monsieur Carnifax (Edinburgh, Scotland: William Blackwood and Sons, 1912) [hb/]
about the author
- Douglas A Anderson. "Resurrecting Alexander Crawford" (Autumn 2008 Wormwood #11) [mag/]
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