Creature Walks Among Us, The
Entry updated 8 January 2017. Tagged: Film.
Film (1956). Universal. Directed by John Sherwood. Written by Arthur Ross. Cast includes Jeff Morrow, Rex Reason and Leigh Snowden. 78 minutes. Black and white.
This is the second, inferior sequel to The Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) – the first being Revenge of the Creature (1954); it was not shot in 3-D, and had a new director. Here the Creature is transformed by fire into a land Monster, complete with lungs (and, later, clothes), thereby depriving him of precisely the qualities that made him popular. There is a ludicrous plot about an exploitative Scientist (Morrow) making money out of the space programme by building up the Creature's red corpuscles and thus, absurdly, altering his gene structure. [PN/JB]
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