Cruso, Solomon
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1887-1977) US realtor, financier and author; at the end of the 1920s he seems to have been involved in a Ponzi scheme which soon collapsed. He wrote three sf novels told in terms of a Future History perspective some centuries hence, but all disfigured to modern taste through the intense racism of the narrative. In The Last of the Japs and the Jews (1933), a moderately Near Future world war climaxes in 1987 – after millions of Jews have already been eliminated in a long worldwide conflict – when a vast earthquake sinks Japan, and all the remaining Jews, under the waves; as the Jews had retained knowledge of at least one appalling secret weapon, the world is saved. In the sequels – Messiah on the Horizon: Romance? Novel? Revelation? Prophecy? (1940) and Two Trillion Immortals: Romance? Novel? Prophecy? Reality? (1946) this dire outcome is transubstantiated into theological fantasy, as Europe is severed from the world and becomes another Moon and the souls of the saved are given lessons through the memoirs of Jehovah. [JC]
Solomon Cruso
born 13 April 1887
died New York: 1 December 1977
- The Last of the Japs and the Jews (New York: Herman W Lefkowitz, 1933) [hb/nonpictorial]
- Messiah on the Horizon: Romance? Novel? Revelation? Prophecy? (New York: Audubon Publishing Co, 1940) [publisher also given as Aubobon: hb/nonpictorial]
- Two Trillion Immortals: Romance? Novel? Prophecy? Reality? Revelation? (New York: The Hobson Book Press, 1946) [hb/]
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