Curtis, Wardon Allan
Entry updated 13 January 2025. Tagged: Author.

(1867-1940) US author, a contributor to several pre-sf fiction magazines. His most important sf is a short Identity Transfer story about a brain transplant, The Monster of Lake LaMetrie (September 1899 Pearson's as "The Monster of Lake LaMetrie: Being the Narration of James McLennegan, MD, PhD"; 2011 ebook), in which the brain is human and the recipient body that of a prehistoric survival – an elasmosaurus (see Dinosaurs) – from a bottomless lake that may lead into a Symmesian Hollow Earth. Curtis also wrote an Arabian Nights fantasy, "The Seal of Solomon the Great" (February 1901 Argosy) and The Strange Adventures of Mr Middleton (coll 1903), which contains a mixture of Oriental fantasy and bizarre mystery. [JE]
Wardon Allan Curtis
born New Mexico: 1 February 1867
died 21 January 1940
- The Strange Adventures of Mr Middleton (Chicago, Illinois: Herbert S Stone, 1903) [coll: hb/]
- The Monster of Lake LaMetrie (place not given: Green Light, 2011) [story: ebook: September 1899 Pearson's as "The Monster of Lake LaMetrie: Being the Narration of James McLennegan, MD, PhD": na/]
- "The Monster of Lake LaMetrie"
- Internet Speculative Fiction Database
- Project Gutenberg
- Picture Gallery
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