Darvill-Evans, Peter
Entry updated 19 June 2023. Tagged: Author.

(1954- ) UK author and editor, involved in the Games world from about 1976, initiating his writing career with three Fighting Fantasy Ties beginning with Fighting Fantasy Gamebook 25: Beneath Nightmare Castle (1987). He is best-known for his creating for Virgin Books and editing the New Adventures sub-sequence of the overall Doctor Who universe, these stories taking up the slack after the BBC unaccountably cancelled the long-running television series in 1989. Of these titles, he himself wrote one, Doctor Who: The New Adventures: Deceit (1993). His other Doctor Who Ties were not connected to this central enterprise. Darvill-Evans's seven or more erotic novels have no fantastic elements. [JC]
Peter Darvill-Evans
born Buckinghamshire: 1954
Fighting Fantasy
- Fighting Fantasy Gamebook 25: Beneath Nightmare Castle (London: Penguin/Puffin, 1987) [tie: Fighting Fantasy: pb/Terry Oakes]
- Fighting Fantasy Gamebook 37: Portal of Evil (London: Penguin/Puffin, 1989) [tie: Fighting Fantasy: pb/Dave Gallagher]
- Fighting Fantasy Gamebook 45: Spectral Stalkers (London: Penguin/Puffin, 1991) [tie: Fighting Fantasy: pb/Ian Miller]
Doctor Who
- Doctor Who: Time Lord: Create Your Own Adventures in Time and Space (London: Virgin Books, 1991) with Ian Marsh [tie to Doctor Who: Role Playing Game book: Doctor Who: pb/Colin Howard]
- Doctor Who: The New Adventures: Deceit (London: Virgin Books, 1993) [tie to Doctor Who: Doctor Who: The New Adventures: pb/Luis Rey]
- Doctor Who: Independence Day (London: BBC Books, 2000) [tie to Doctor Who: Doctor Who: pb/Black Sheep]
- Doctor Who: Asylum (London: BBC Books, 2001) [tie to Doctor Who: Doctor Who: pb/]
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