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Deighton, Len

Entry updated 18 November 2024. Tagged: Author.

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Working name of Leonard Cyril Deighton (1929-    ), UK author of spy novels, cookery books and some other nonfiction, still perhaps best known for his early espionage thrillers such as The Ipcress File (1962), the first of the Secret File sequence which features the same undisciplined and unnamed secret agent. The fourth volume of the series, Billion-Dollar Brain (1966), is set in an indeterminate Near Future and deals with a super-Computer and a private preventive war launched on Russia across the ice from Finland by a mad tycoon; it was filmed as Billion Dollar Brain (1967) directed by Ken Russell. SS-GB: Nazi-Occupied Britain 1941 (1978) is a Hitler Wins Alternate History set in a UK under German occupation, the Jonbar Point being a successful sea Invasion the year before; the protagonist, a police detective, loses his defensive indifference to the occupation after being forced into the proximity of conflicting Nazi leaders, and has a significant role in the successful American capture of a German nuclear research facility. America is now likely to win the war that now begins in earnest. The tale has been adapted for BBC Television as SS-GB (2017 five episodes). [JC]

Leonard Cyril Deighton

born Marylebone, London: 18 February 1929

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