Déon, Natashia
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1978- ) US attorney and author whose first novel, Grace (2016), skirts the fantastic through assonances among an extended Black family for several generations beginning in antebellum America (see Slavery). Her second novel, The Perishing (2021), traces the complex life of an Immortal woman whose conscious life begins at the age of sixteen in 1930s Los Angeles (see California), an era which she seems to have entered via Time Travel. Her fraught but successful career – she becomes the first Black female reporter for the Los Angeles Times – plays out in terms radiant with hauntings, both from the past and the future. How many of the ghosts and visitants are in fact her seems ultimately traceable. [JC]
Natashia Déon
born Los Angeles, California: 6 December 1978
- Grace (Berkeley, California: Counterpoint Press, 2016) [hb/]
- The Perishing (Berkeley, California: Counterpoint Press, 2021) [hb/]
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