Doc Savage
Entry updated 29 April 2022. Tagged: Character.
Hero of many pulp-action sf novels first published – usually as by Kenneth Robeson (a House Name most often used by Lester Dent, but see the Robeson entry for other users of this name) – in Doc Savage magazine. A master Scientist, almost superhuman in intelligence and strength, Doc Savage was actually Clark Savage, the "Man of Bronze" – the surname is a Street and Smith homage to Colonel Richard Henry Savage, an early contributor to the firm's journals; the given name is from Clark Gable. The success of the series led to imitations, most notably Superman, whose debt to Doc Savage is evident in his soubriquet – Clark Kent, the "Man of Steel". One early Doc Savage adventure was filmed as Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze (1975), directed by Michael Anderson. James Bama's and Bob Larkin's covers for the 1970s and 1980s Bantam paperback repackaging of the magazine stories share honours as the definitive rendition of the character. [FHP/MJE/DRL]
see also: Wold Newton Family.
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