Dudgeon, Robert Ellis
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1820-1904) Scottish homeopathic doctor – editor of the British Journal of Homeopathy from 1846 to 1884 – and author of the Utopian novel Colymbia (1873), published anonymously. Written in a spirit of competition with Erewhon (1872; rev 1903) by Samuel Butler, who was Dudgeon's patient, it is set on an equatorial Archipelago in the Pacific and tells of a Lost Race of Englishmen interbred with Oceanic natives who inhabit a submarine city powered by tidal energy. Their remarkably free sexual practices allow Dudgeon to satirize those of Victorian England. Colymbia is livelier and more original than most of its kind. [PN]
see also: Anonymous SF Authors.
Robert Ellis Dudgeon
born Leith, Scotland: 17 March 1820
died London: 8 September 1904
- Colymbia (London: Trübner and Co, 1873) [hb/]
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