Entry updated 17 January 2012. Tagged: Comics, Publication.
US Comic-book series by writer/artist Terry Moore, published by his company Abstract Studios in 30 black-and-white issues (March 2008-June 2011), later collected in Graphic Novel form (six volumes 2008-2011). Inspired by the Large Hadron Collider and similar innovations in modern Physics, the story revolves around Julie Martin, a woman who has accidentally become imprinted with the remains of a liquid-metal battle suit, which makes her unpredictably powerful and almost invulnerable. The suit also carries the psyche of the murdered woman who developed it. Pursued by military and corporate interests who wish to use the alloy to power an artificial Black Hole and permanently dominate the worldwide arms race, Julie and her allies – including a woman who grows younger day by day – try to stay alive while also hoping to prevent Armageddon. Thrilling, with particularly well-rounded characters and occasional doses of humour. [JP]
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