Edwards, Janet
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1958- ) UK author whose Young Adult Jarra sequence, comprising to date Earth Girl (2012), Earth Star (2013) and Earth Flight (2014), begins in the twenty-eighth-century ruins of New York, where the young orphan protagonist – stigmatized as a "Neanderthal" (see Apes as Human) amongst her Genetically Engineered fellow students, because her immune system cannot tolerate her leaving Earth – must search out her destiny, aided by her ability to study (by "vid") conditions on various colony planets (see Colonization of Other Worlds), which the unafflicted can visit via Matter Transmission. Her college career ends in graduation, and in a new crisis, as First Contact with an Extraterrestrial civilization threatens to cripple humanity. [JC]
Janet Edwards
born 1958
- Earth Girl (London: Harper Voyager, 2012) [Jarra: pb/Getty Images/Trevillion Images/Millennium Images]
- Earth Star (London: Harper Voyager, 2013) [Jarra: pb/]
- Earth Flight (London: Harper Voyager, 2014) [Jarra: pb/]
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