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Eggleton, Bob

Entry updated 16 December 2024. Tagged: Artist.

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(1960-    ) US illustrator who has worked in the sf field since 1984 when he did his first book cover, for Baen Books. He has worked for a number of publishers since then. For his paintings he normally uses acrylic. He has quite a wide range – fantasy and horror as well as sf – but is especially known for his space and Spaceship paintings, which are at once interestingly detailed and sweepingly romantic. His popularity has been growing since the late 1980s; from 1988 he has regularly been nominated for the Best Professional Artist category of the Hugo Awards, winning his first Hugo in 1994 and again in the following years to 2004 (excepting 2002) for a total of nine wins in this category. He is one of a number of artists now publishing electronically. Event Horizons (1994) is a disk containing 22 images by Eggleton. The retrospective collection Greetings from Earth: The Art of Bob Eggleton (graph 2000), with text by Nigel Suckling, won a further Hugo in the Other Forms category. [PN/DRL]

see also: Skylark Award.

Bob Eggleton

born Concord, Massachusetts: 13 September 1960



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