Electric Wine
Entry updated 6 August 2018. Tagged: Publication.
US Online Magazine published by Diana L Sharples and James E M Rasmussen of Marietta, Georgia. It ran for twelve bimonthly issues between November 1999 (it actually went live on Hallowe'en) and October 2001. It is one of a number of low-paying quasi-Semiprozines that experimented with online publication in the late 1990s and of which virtually nothing now survives bar a few scattered fragments in various archives. It ran both poetry and fiction, a mixture of science fiction, fantasy and horror, plus reviews and occasional articles. A proportion of its contents were reprints from various sources, most notably Michael Bishop's "The House of Compassionate Sharers" (July/August/September 2000; from Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine May 1977) but it ran much original material only some of which has resurfaced elsewhere, as much is lost. Contributors included Gregory Frost, Trent Jamieson, Michael Chesley Johnson, Tim Pratt, Ken Rand and Connie Wilkins. [MA]
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