Entry updated 19 December 2017. Tagged: Film.
Film (1986). Altar/Empire. Produced by Charles Band. Directed by Peter Manoogian. Written by Paul DeMeo, Danny Bilson. Cast includes Denise Crosby, Roy Dotrice, Conan Lee, Andrew Prine and Patrick Reynolds. 96 minutes, cut to 91 minutes. Colour.
Enjoyable exploitation frolic whose plot defies precis, but involves a Mad Scientist (Dotrice) – who wants to become a Roman emperor – lurking in the jungle with a Time Machine; his unhappy creation, the weary Cyborg known as the Mandroid (Reynolds); the tough heroine Colonel Nora (Crosby); the flying Robot S.P.O.T., a dead ringer for R2D2 in Star Wars (1977); and the ninja martial artist Kuji (Lee), plus riverboats, prehistoric humans brought forward in time, and a Force Field.
Screenwriters Bilson and DeMeo also wrote producer Band's two best films, Trancers (1984) and Zone Troopers (1985). [PN/DRL]
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