Eschbach, Andreas
Entry updated 11 November 2024. Tagged: Author.

(1959- ) German author who began publishing work of genre interest with "Dolls" for c't in 1991, and whose first novel, Die Haarteppichknüpfer (1995; trans Doryl Jensen as The Carpet Makers 2005), intriguingly rewrites the normally expansive forms of American Planetary Romance and Space Opera into a bleak, compulsively storyable ideogram of the universe as prison: the carpets made by the titular carpet makers across the galaxy are aesthetically dead Entropic parodies of craft made for a dead Emperor, whose posthumous demands have denuded half a galaxy. In Das Jesus Video ["The Jesus Video"] (1998), Eschbach's most popular novel to date, the manual for a not-yet-released video camera is found by archaeologists in a two-thousand-year-old grave in Palestine. He remains prolific, and in recent years has also written several Young Adult works, along with at least seven contributions to the vast Perry Rhodan universe. His skill at exposing Hard SF tropes to adult supervision intensifies a sense that further translations are in order. [JC]
Andreas Eschbach
born Ulm, Germany: 15 September 1959
Mars Project
- Das Marsprojekt ["The Mars Project"] (Würzburg, Germany: Arena-Verlag, 2001) [Mars Project: hb/Thomas Thiemeyer]
- Die blauen Türme ["The Blue Towers"] (Würzburg, Germany: Arena-Verlag, 2005) [Mars Project: hb/Constanze Spengler]
- Die gläsernen Höhlen ["The Glass Caves"] (Würzburg, Germany: Arena-Verlag, 2006) [Mars Project: hb/Constanze Spengler]
- Gibt es Leben auf dem Mars? ode Das Marsprojekt – Der Flüsternede Sturm ["Is There Life on Mars? Or, the Mars Project – The Storm Whispering"] (Würzburg, Germany: Arena-Verlag, 2009) [Mars Project: hb/Frauke Schneider]
individual titles
- Die Haarteppichknüpfer (Munich, Germany: Schneeklurth, 1995) [hb/]
- The Carpet Makers (New York: Tor, 2005) [trans by Doryl Jensen of the above: hb/Rick Berry]
- Solarstation ["Solar Station"] (Munich, Germany: Schneeklurth, 1996) [hb/]
- Das Jesus Video ["The Jesus Video"] (Munich, Germany: Schneeklurth, 1998) [hb/]
- Kelwitts Stern ["Kelwitt's Star"] (Munich, Germany: Schneeklurth, 1999) [hb/]
- Quest (Munich, Germany: Heyne Verlag, 2001) [hb/Thomas Thiemeyer]
- Perfect Copy (Würzburg, Germany: Arena-Verlag, 2001) [hb/]
- Eine Billion Dollar ["One Trillion Dollars"] (Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany: Lübbe, 2001) [hb/]
- Der Letzte seiner Art ["The Last of his Species"] (Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany: Lübbe, 2003) [hb/Guido Klütsch]
- Die seltene Gabe ["The Rare Gift"] (Würzburg, Germany: Arena-Verlag, 2004) [hb/Constanze Spengler]
- Der Nobelpreis ["The Nobel Prize"] (Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany: Lübbe, 2005) [hb/]
- Ausgebrannt ["Burnt Out"](Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany: Lübbe, 2007) [hb/]
- Herr aller Dinge (Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany: Lübbe, 2011) [hb/Daniel White]
- Lord of All Things (Las Vegas, Nevada: AmazonCrossing, 2014) [trans by Samuel Willcocks of the above: pb/Edward Bettison]
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