Famous Science Fiction
Entry updated 21 August 2012. Tagged: Publication.
US Digest-size magazine, nine issues, Winter 1966 to Spring 1969. One of the reprint magazines edited by Robert A W Lowndes for Health Knowledge Inc, it used material from the Pulp magazines of the 1930s plus 16 original short stories including ones by Miriam Allen deFord, Philip K Dick, William F Temple and the first story by Greg D Bear, "Destroyers" (Winter 1966/67), which has not been reprinted. The most notable of its reprints was Laurence Manning's The Man Who Awoke series (stories March-August 1933 Wonder Stories; Summer 1967-Summer 1968). To issues #2 to #6 Lowndes contributed a series of editorials, Standards in Science Fiction, later reprinted as Three Faces of Science Fiction (1973). [BS/MA]
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