Fantastic Novels
Entry updated 21 August 2012. Tagged: Publication.
US bimonthly Pulp magazine, companion to Famous Fantastic Mysteries, which it somewhat resembled though it reprinted longer works complete in one issue. Five issues were published July 1940 to April 1941, by the Frank A Munsey Corp, then it merged with Famous Fantastic Mysteries; it was revived by Popular Publications to publish 20 more issues March 1948 to June 1951, with the numeration of the second series following directly on from the first. It was edited in both incarnations by Mary Gnaedinger.
Fantastic Novels used a great deal of material by A Merritt. The first issue featured the complete text of The Blind Spot (14 May-18 June 1921 Argosy; 1951) by Austin Hall and Homer Eon Flint, serialization of which had begun in Famous Fantastic Mysteries, and all subsequent issues except the last featured a complete novel. Other authors whose work was reprinted included Ray Cummings, George Allan England, Ralph Milne Farley and Charles B Stilson.
Two issues of a UK edition appeared in 1950 and 1951, the second (undated) issue confusingly appearing as #1. There were 17 issues of a Canadian reprint, September 1948-June 1951, identical to the US issues. [BS/PN/MA]
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