Fialko, Nathan
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1881-1960) Russian psychologist and author, resident in the USA from 1903, whose uneven sf novel, Novyĭ Grad (The New City) (1925; trans and rev Fialko as The New City: A Story of the Future 1937), depicts first Soviet then US society, taking a firmly Dystopian view of both. Life in the Epoch of Regularity governing a Near Future USSR is savagely regimented, while class wars torture America. Yevgeny Zamiatin's We (1924) has plausibly been suggested as influencing this work. [JC]
Nathan Moiseevich Fialko
born Minsk, Russia: 16 August 1881
died New York: 1960
- Novyĭ Grad (The New City) (New York: R N P Co, 1925) [hb/]
- The New City: A Story of the Future (New York: Margent Press, 1937) [trans and rev of the above by the author: hb/]
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