Fitzpatrick, Ernest Hugh
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1863-1933) US doctor, poet and author, whose first novel with sf content, The Marshal Duke of Denver; Or, the Labor Revolution of 1920 (1895) as by Hugo Barnaby, uninterestingly inveighs against the rise of unions; and whose second, The Coming Conflict of Nations; Or, the Japanese-American War (1909), is a Future War tale in which Japan – incensed at American treatment of Japanese immigrants – invades America, but is defeated. [JC]
Ernest Hugh Fitzpatrick
born India, January 1863
died Chicago, Illinois: 27 March 1933
- The Marshal Duke of Denver; Or, the Labor Revolution of 1920 (Chicago, Illinois: Donohue and Henneberry, 1895) as by Hugo Barnaby [hb/]
- The Coming Conflict of Nations; Or, the Japanese-American War (Springfield, Illinois: H W Rokker, 1909) [hb/]
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