Fleming, A M
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1858-1948) US author known mainly for his sf-like Munchausen tale, Captain Kiddle: A Fantastic Romance (1889), in which the captain recounts to an interviewer his trip to the Arctic, where he and his crew are imprisoned by Lost Race of giants (see Great and Small), but escape and – after experiences with the Fountain of Youth and a very large serpent – discover an ancient City at the North Pole and fly back to civilization on a tame giant bird. His further novels are pure tall-tale fantasies with no sf content. [JC]
Andrew Magnus Fleming
born Plymouth, Massachusetts: 2 April 1858
died 12 April 1948
- Captain Kiddle: A Fantastic Romance (New York: John R Alden, Publisher, 1889) [hb/]
- The Gold Diggers (Boston, Massachusetts: Meador Publishing Company, 1930) [hb/]
- The Little Maelstrom (Boston, Massachusetts: Meador Publishing Company, 1931) [hb/]
- Old Father Waters (Boston, Massachusetts: Meador Publishing Company, 1936) [hb/]
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