Flower Kings, The
Entry updated 31 January 2014. Tagged: Music.
Prolific Swedish prog-rock band, founded in 1993 by guitarist and singer Roine Stolt (1956- ). The band records in English, and produces lengthy, musically complex albums at a dizzying rate. Back in the World of Adventures (album 1995) is a satisfying if generic collision of Fantasy and sf figures. Retropolis (album 1996) is a concept album set in the titular future-city, in which Judas Iscariot makes a reappearance. Stardust We Are (album 1997) runs to well over two hours, and includes the 25-minute-long title track, a wide-eyed and rather ramshackle hymn to humanity's specialness. Space Revolver (album 2000), despite its title and cover-art, is not sf. "Last Minute on Earth" (in The Rainmaker, 2001) wonders about the end of the world; and the two-and-a-half-hour long Unfold the Future (album 2002) rambles pleasantly around a loose theme to do with the evolution of humanity. The 80-minute concept-album Adam & Eve (2004) puts Adam and Eve through an unoriginal sf prism whereby the archetypal duo travel in time to the end of the universe. [AR]
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