Forbes, Caroline
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1952- ) UK author whose first story of genre interest, "Snake" (1980 publication not traced), was assembled with her other published fantasy and sf in The Needle on Full: Lesbian Feminist Science Fiction (coll 1985) (see Feminism; Women in SF). Told with an abstractedness that seems at time fatally distant from the world, the tales here assembled convey all the same an acute awareness of feminist issues in the 1980s; they also confront the still-sclerotic response of sf writers as a cohort to these issues. In "London Fields", perhaps the most ambitious tale here assembled, a moderately chaotic Near Future lesbian Utopia is created in London after a Pandemic has seemingly eliminated all men; but men reappear.
There is no apparent connection between Forbes and the character Caroline Forbes in the Television series The Vampire Diaries (2009-current). [JC]
Caroline Forbes
born 1952
- The Needle on Full: Lesbian Feminist Science Fiction (London: Onlywoman Press, 1985) [coll: pb/]
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