Entry updated 21 August 2012. Tagged: Music.
UK self-styled "post-rock" band, comprising Kieran Hebden (1980- ) and Adem. Their work is mostly instrumental, an attractive melodic delicacy set against puffing, chittering beats, and demonstrates a persistent fascination with science fiction, not only in song-titles – "Robots in Disguise" on Ceefax (1997); "Ark", "Yttrium" and "Aphelion" on Eph (1999) but also in a fondness for samples of sf film sound effects and other aural ephemera. The Sun (2007) – released on vinyl as a double album, but with the fourth side left intentionally uncut except for a piece of etched artwork – construes its eponymous stellar body both in terms of the rhythms of timekeeping ("Clocks", "Drums of Life") and a sense of fluid travel about a solar-systemic environment ("Our Place in This", "Oram", "Comets"). [AR]
see also: Sun.
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