Fuller, Thomas E
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1948-2002) US actor, playwright and author who began to publish work of genre interest with "Dancer in the Dark: Interlude Three" in When the Black Lotus Blooms (anth 1990) edited by Elizabeth A Saunders; after some fantasies for younger children with Brad Strickland, wrote, also with Strickland, the Young Adult Mars Year One sequence, comprising Mars Year One: Marooned! (2004), Mars Year One: Missing! (2004) and Mars Year One: Marsquake (2005), set in an experimental Keep on Mars, designed to test human ability to settle the planet (see Colonization of Other Worlds). [JC]
Thomas Edward Fuller
born Jasper, Alabama: 3 October 1948
died Atlanta, Georgia: 21 November 2002
works (selected)
Mars Year One
- Mars Year One: Marooned! (New York: Simon and Schuster/Aladdin Paperback, 2004) with Brad Strickland [Mars Year One: pb/Michael Koelsch]
- Mars Year One: Missing! (New York: Simon and Schuster/Aladdin Paperback, 2004) with Brad Strickland [Mars Year One: pb/Michael Koelsch]
- Mars Year One: Marsquake (New York: Simon and Schuster/Aladdin Paperback, 2005) with Brad Strickland [Mars Year One: pb/Michael Koelsch]
works as editor
- Once Upon a Midnight (?Atlanta, Georgia: Unnameable Press, 1995) with James A Riley and Michael N Langford [anth: chap: pb/]
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