Entry updated 29 June 2016. Tagged: Publication.
UK-based website devoted to an interest in the future and the impact of science and technology on the present. The site was founded by Jeremy Lyons. The publisher is Paul Raven and the fiction editor is Christopher East. It has three sections, a blog, with links to items of news elsewhere on the internet; a column about science or sf; and a fiction section. It usually published just one story per month, starting in September 2004 with "Art's Appreciation" by Tom Doyle. The site ceased to include fiction after December 2010. The criteria for fiction have always included being Earth-based, set in the Near-Future and focusing on the more immediate effects of current developments. Such stories were not always easy to find, especially early on, but most later stories have near future settings and tend to be pessimistic. A worrying number are Military SF. "Peace in Our Time" (December 2004) by Carrie Vaughn is about a future when all Wars are fought by machine. "In Pacmandu" (September 2010) by Lavie Tidhar concerns a battle force which has either entered a computer Game or discovered the whole universe is a virtual game. [MA]
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