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Gallion, Jane

Entry updated 13 January 2025. Tagged: Author.

(1938-2003) US poet and author, best known for gonzo pornography, the only sf example of which is Biker (1969), a Post-Holocaust tale set in a California dominated by bikers and Drug-cults, and other manifestations of hippy culture gone haywire, in which the repeated acts of rape inflicted on the protagonist are conveyed realistically, and conspicuously without auctorial relish. "Beneath the Bermuda Triangle" (June 1979 Galaxy) lacks the focus generated by her angry take on Sex. She also edited and wrote in Fanzines under her married name Jane (or Jayn or Jayne) Ellern, 1962-1965. [JC]

Nelda Jane Gallion

born Riverside, California: 7 October 1938

died Austin, Texas: 18 July 2003


  • Biker (North Hollywood, California: Essex House, 1969) [pb/]
  • Going Down (place not given: Renaissance E Books, 2001) [ebook: na/]


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