Gannett, Lewis
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1952- ) US author whose first novel was a falteringly effective horror tale, The Living One (1993), and whose second was Magazine Beach (1996), a Near Future thriller whose villains, after hijacking the world's information networks (see Internet), plan to melt the polar icecaps, perhaps impatient at the pace of global warming (see Climate Change). Millennium: Gehenna (1998) and Millennium: Force Majeure (1999) are Ties to the television series Millennium (1996-1999), which began as sf but turned into Fantasy. [JC]
Lewis Gannett
born 1952
- Millennium: Gehenna (New York: HarperPrism, 1998) [tie to Millennium: pb/]
- Millennium: Force Majeure (New York: HarperPrism, 1999) [tie to Millennium: pb/]
individual titles
- The Living One (New York: Random House, 1993) [hb/]
- Magazine Beach (New York: HarperPrism, 1996) [hb/Phil Hefferman]
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