Gatiss, Mark
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1966- ) UK actor and author, best known in his sometime capacity as a member of The League of Gentlemen, a comedy team on BBC radio and television since 1995, acting in and co-authoring a spin-off film, The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse (2005). Although not strictly science-fictional, The League of Gentlemen's work – mainly focusing on the fictional Northern English town of Royston Vasey – makes frequent reference to film and television works of the fantastic. The film is a metafiction: characters from Royston Vasey, aware that their creators are weary of the town, cross into their reality to pitch them script ideas, with violence. Among other sf- or fantasy-related shows, Gatiss acted in the BBC revival of The Quatermass Experiment (2005). As a writer, he is known mainly for his Doctor Who Ties, beginning with Nightshade (1992), in the Doctor Who New Adventures subset of the whole; he also wrote eight episodes of the series in its post-2005 revival. The Lucifer Box tales combine occultism, mannered decadence, and Victorian/1920s international thriller tropes told in period lingo. [JC/GS]
Mark Gatiss
born Sedgefield, County Durham: 17 October 1966
Doctor Who
- Nightshade (London: Doctor Who Books, 1992) [tie to Doctor Who: Doctor Who: New Adventures: pb/Peter Elson]
- St Anthony's Fire (London: Doctor Who Books, 1994) [tie to Doctor Who: Doctor Who: New Adventures: pb/]
- Doctor Who: The Roundheads (London: BBC Books, 1997) [tie to Doctor Who: Doctor Who: Past Doctors: pb/blacksheep]
- Doctor Who: Last of the Gadarene (London: BBC Books, 2005) [tie to Doctor Who: Doctor Who: Past Doctors: pb/blacksheep]
- Doctor Who: The Shooting Scripts (London: BBC Books, 2005) with Russell T Davies, Paul Cornell and Rob Shearman. [anth: tie to the Doctor Who universe: Doctor Who: hb/]
- The Crimson Horror (London: BBC Books, 2021) [tie to Doctor Who: Doctor Who: New Target Novelisations: pb/]
Lucifer Box
- The Vesuvius Club (London: Simon and Schuster, 2004) [Lucifer Box: hb/Ian Bass]
- The Vesuvius Club: Graphic Edition (London: Simon and Schuster, 2005) with Ian Bass [graph: adapted from the above: Lucifer Box: hb/Ian Bass]
- The Devil in Amber (London: Simon and Schuster, 2006) [Lucifer Box: hb/Paul Catherall]
- Black Butterfly (London: Simon and Schuster, 2008) [Lucifer Box: hb/Mark Thomas]
- James Whale: A Biography; or The Would-Be Gentleman (New York: Cassell, 1995) [nonfiction: James Whale: pb/photographic]
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