Golden, Christie
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1963- ) US author who has concentrated mostly on fantasy series and Ties, beginning with Ravenloft: Vampire of the Mists (1991) in the Ravenloft sequence of Pocket Universe tales in the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing Game-World, and a few years later beginning a long association with the Star Trek universes beginning with Star Trek Voyager: Marooned (1996) [for further titles see Checklist]. Other Ties include work for the animated Television mini-series Invasion America (1998), beginning with Invasion America (1998) and for StarCraft, beginning with StarCraft: The Dark Templar Series, Book One: Firstborn (2007). Her non-tied singletons, like Instrument of Fate (1996) or A D 999 (1999) as by Jadrien Bell, are tinged with romance elements. In 2017 she received the Grandmaster Scribe Award for career achievement in media Ties. [JC]
see also: Starcraft.
Christie Golden Georges
born Atlanta, Georgia: 21 November 1963
series (tied)
Dungeons & Dragons: Ravenloft
- Ravenloft: Vampire of the Mists (Lake Geneva, Wisconsin: TSR, 1991) [tie: Dungeons & Dragons: Ravenloft: pb/Clyde Caldwell]
- The Ravenloft Covenant: Vampire of the Mists (Renton, Washington: Wizards of the Coast, 2006) [tie: vt of the above: Dungeons & Dragons: Ravenloft: pb/Jon Foster]
- Ravenloft: Dance of the Dead (Lake Geneva, Wisconsin: TSR, 1992) [tie: Dungeons & Dragons: Ravenloft: pb/Clyde Caldwell]
- Ravenloft: The Enemy Within (Lake Geneva, Wisconsin: TSR, 1994) [tie: Dungeons & Dragons: Ravenloft: pb/Paul Jaquays]
Star Trek
Star Trek: Voyager
- Star Trek: Voyager: The Murdered Sun (New York: Pocket Books, 1996) [tie to Star Trek: Voyager: Star Trek: Voyager: pb/Dru Blair]
- Star Trek Voyager: Marooned (New York: Pocket Books, 1997) [tie to Star Trek: Voyager: Star Trek: Voyager: pb/Sonia R Hillios]
- Star Trek Voyager: Seven of Nine (New York: Pocket Books, 1998) [tie to Star Trek: Voyager: Star Trek: Voyager: pb/Sonia R Hillios]
- Star Trek Voyager: The Dark Matters Trilogy, Book 1: Cloak and Dagger (New York: Pocket Books, 2000) [tie to Star Trek: Voyager: Star Trek: Voyager: Dark Matters: pb/Dru Blair]
- Star Trek Voyager: The Dark Matters Trilogy, Book 2: Ghost Dance (New York: Pocket Books, 2000) [tie to Star Trek: Voyager: Star Trek: Voyager: Dark Matters: pb/]
- Star Trek Voyager: The Dark Matters Trilogy, Book 3: Shadow of Heaven (New York: Pocket Books, 2000) [tie to Star Trek: Voyager: Star Trek: Voyager: Dark Matters: pb/]
- Star Trek Voyager: Endgame (New York: Pocket Books, 2001) with Diane Carey [tie to Star Trek: Voyager: Star Trek: Voyager: pb/]
- Star Trek Voyager: Homecoming (New York: Pocket Books, 2003) [tie to Star Trek: Voyager: Star Trek: Voyager: pb/]
- Star Trek Voyager: Homecoming #2: The Farther Shore (New York: Pocket Books, 2003) [tie to Star Trek: Voyager: Star Trek: Voyager: pb/]
- Star Trek Voyager: Spirit Walk, Book 1: Old Wounds (New York: Pocket Books, 2004) [tie to Star Trek: Voyager: Star Trek: Voyager: Spirit Walk: pb/]
- Star Trek Voyager: Spirit Walk, Book 2: Enemy of My Enemy (New York: Pocket Books, 2004) [tie to Star Trek: Voyager: Star Trek: Voyager: Spirit Walk: pb/John Vairo Jr]
Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: The First Virtue (New York: Pocket Books, 1999) with Michael Jan Friedman [tie to Star Trek: The Next Generation: pb/]
Star Trek Gateways
- Star Trek Gateways: No Man's Land (New York: Pocket Books, 2001) [tie to Star Trek: Star Trek Gateways: pb/Dru Blair]
- Star Trek Gateways: What Lay Beyond (New York: Pocket Books, 2001) [tie to Star Trek: Star Trek Gateways: hb/]
Star Trek
- Star Trek: The Last Roundup (New York: Pocket Books, 2002) [tie to Star Trek: hb/Keith Birdsong]
Invasion America
- Invasion America (New York: Roc Books, 1998) [tie to Invasion America: Invasion America: pb/]
- Invasion America: On the Run (New York: Roc Books, 1998) [tie to Invasion America: Invasion America: pb/]
- Warcraft #2: Lord of the Clans (New York: Pocket Books, 2001) [tie: based on the electronic game: Warcraft: pb/Sam Didier]
World of Warcraft
- World of Warcraft: Rise of the Horde (New York: Pocket Books, 2007) [tie: based on the electronic game: World of Warcraft: pb/Glenn Rane]
- World of Warcraft: Beyond the Dark Portal (New York: Pocket Books, 2008) with Aaron Rosenberg [tie: based on the electronic game: World of Warcraft: pb/Glenn Rane]
- World of Warcraft: Arthas: The Rise of the Lich King (New York: Pocket Books, 2009) [tie: based on the electronic game: World of Warcraft: pb/Glenn Rane]
- World of Warcraft: The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm (New York: Pocket Books, 2010) [tie: based on the electronic game: World of Warcraft: pb/Glenn Rane]
- World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects (New York: Gallery, 2011) [tie: based on the electronic game: World of Warcraft: hb/John Polidora]
- World of Warcraft: Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War (New York: Gallery, 2012) [tie: based on the electronic game: World of Warcraft: hb/Glenn Rane]
- World of Warcraft: War Crimes (New York: Gallery, 2014) [tie: based on the electronic game: World of Warcraft: hb/Slawomir Maniak]
- Warcraft: Durotan (New York: Titan Books, 2014) [tie to film Warcraft: Durotan (2016): based on the electronic game: World of Warcraft: pb/]
- World of Warcraft: Before the Storm (New York: Gallery, 2018) [tie: based on the electronic game: World of Warcraft: hb/Bastien Lecouff Deharme]
- World of Warcraft: Sylvanas (New York: Del Rey, 2022) [tie: based on the electronic game: World of Warcraft: hb/]
- StarCraft: The Dark Templar Series, Book One: Firstborn (New York: Pocket Books, 2007) [tie to Starcraft: StarCraft: Dark Templar: pb/Glenn Rane]
- StarCraft: The Dark Templar Series, Book Two: Shadow Hunters (New York: Pocket Books, 2007) [tie to Starcraft: StarCraft: Dark Templar: pb/Glenn Rane]
- StarCraft: The Dark Templar Series, Book Three: Twilight (New York: Pocket Books, 2010) [tie to Starcraft: StarCraft: Dark Templar: pb/Glenn Rane]
- Starcraft II: Devil's Due (New York: Gallery, 2011) [tie to Starcraft: StarCraft: hb/Glenn Rane]
- Starcraft II: Flashpoint (New York: Gallery, 2012) [tie to Starcraft: StarCraft: hb/John Polidora]
Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi
- Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Omen (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2009) [tie to Star Wars: Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: hb/Ian Keltie]
- Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Allies (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2010) [tie to Star Wars: Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: hb/Ian Keltie]
- Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Ascension (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2011) [tie to Star Wars: Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: hb/Ian Keltie]
Star Wars: Clone Wars
- Star Wars: Dark Disciple (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2015) [tie to Star Wars: Star Wars: Clone Wars: hb/Matt Taylor]
- Star Wars: Battlefront II: Inferno Squad (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2017) [tie to Star Wars: Star Wars: Clone Wars: hb/Matt Taylor]
series (not tied)
The Final Dance
- The Final Dance, Book 1: On Fire's Wings (New York: Harlequin/Luna, 2004) [The Final Dance: pb/]
- The Final Dance, Book 2: In Stone's Clasp (New York: Harlequin/Luna, 2005) [The Final Dance: pb/]
individual titles
- Instrument of Fate (New York: Ace Books, 1996) [pb/Mary Jo Phalen]
- King's Man and Thief (New York: Ace Books, 1997) [pb/Jeff Barson]
- A D 999 (New York: Ace Books, 1999) as by Jadrien Bell [pb/Lisa Falkenstern]
- Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (New York: Titan Books, 2017) [tie to the film Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets: pb/]
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